Troubling online impact
In the UK, teachers express growing concern over misogynistic influencers like Andrew Tate affecting students. Researchers found 76% of high school teachers and 60% of primary school teachers alarmed by this influence.
Evolving home dynamics
New research reveals that while men are doing more household work than 50 years ago, traditional gender roles still persist, especially in multitasking chores.
Sociology reveals truths
Sociology's fundamental concepts, such as the social construction of gender and race, remain politically charged yet essential. Changes in humanities funding can limit our understanding of these crucial insights.
Programming evolution
The emergence of AI signals not the end of programming, but its transformation. As AI takes on routine tasks, programmers must adapt, invent, and leverage these tools for future technical achievements.
Rethinking address norms
As preferred pronouns gain prominence, the decline of formal address raises questions about respect and social norms. A thoughtful rethink may be needed.
The outrage factor
A recent study reveals that misinformation spreads rapidly online, fueled by outrage. Emotional responses often lead users to share such content impulsively, without verification.
The alienation phenomenon
A recent study highlights how work alienation is increasingly affecting employees in digital workplaces, indicating a need for organizations to address this emerging issue.
Rethinking extinction
Colossal Biosciences aims to birth the first woolly mammoth calves in three years, leveraging artificial womb technology to bring back extinct species.
Revolutionizing the work week
Germany's recent four-day work week trials reveal significant gains in productivity and employee well-being, reshaping work culture for the future.
Navigating new roles
As women increasingly become primary earners, a study reveals this shift may be linked to rising mental health diagnoses for both partners in marriages.